🎯 What's the relationship between the Akashic Records and the Sturgeon Full Moon? 🌕
Aug 18, 2024
🌕 Today is special because it represents the Sturgeon Full Moon, which peaks at 2:26 p.m. E.T. This full moon is in the sign of Aquarius, which correlates to the Higher Mind and the Akashic Records.
This full moon in Aquarius represents our ties to our passions, sense of expression, aspirations, and connection to others. It allows us to release what has been holding us back and what we no longer need. It invites us to cleanse ourselves from unwanted energies, from everything that ran its course. 🚧 Its clarifying significance is especially relevant as we navigate the murky waters of Mercury's Retrograde, giving us a sense of hopefulness and clarity that may not have felt so grounded or centered. ⚖️ The Akashic Records suggest that this full moon is associated with simplifying our thoughts and behaviors, gaining greater clarity in our actions and intentions, and aligning with our goals. Because of the conjunction with Mercury in Retrograde, it's a time of planning instead of initiating major decisions or promises about love, relationships, and work. So if you've felt a little frustrated that things haven't been flowing as smoothly as you'd like, take a deep breath because this is a time to cast your intentions into the waters of life and let them percolate before you leap. 🌊 Speed and responsive action will appear very soon, so how you handle these last two weeks of August can set you on the right course or set you up for more challenges. Today, the messages that came through from the Akashic Records are tied to:
This period is not necessarily the time to hide. Although you may feel a bit restless, spending time in social gatherings, nature, and networking may open new doors of opportunities that you didn't know existed. 🌳🌟 This is also a time to research, be curious, and see what hidden doors are waiting to be opened. 🔍 By giving yourself the grace, spaciousness, and wonder that is part of your soul's birthright, you can flow in alignment with time rather than against it. So, if you find yourself needing to give your home some love, do it! If you're feeling like you need to connect to a friend and catch up, schedule it. If you feel like handling your money energy wisely, go for it! 💫💰 This full moon is loaded with good juju, so don't waste it. Do something special, such as cleansing your crystals, writing in your journal, connecting to your Spirit Guides and Ancestors for messages, or listing your gratitude. 🌟✨ Most of all, if you need a little guidance, clarity, and a sense of direction, join me at The Akashic Soul Clinic! Just for this special full moon, I am offering a $1.00 trial offer for 30 days, then it's $47/month. I only have 10 open spots for new members and 1 has already been claimed today. This is the last month that this service will be offered at an extremely low price, and members will be grandfathered in when I raise the price at the end of the month. Get your questions answered and receive the monthly forecast in your inbox! 📨 Happy Full-Mooning! 🌕🌌 Bless up, |
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