πŸŽ‰ Happy one-year birthday to this sweet lil thing!!! πŸŽ‚

Jul 31, 2024

I hope you're having a wonderful and blessed day! I'm coming to you today with a heart so full of joy and gratitude. πŸ’–

I'd love your help in celebrating something super important! 🎈

Please help me wish a Happy 1-year-old birthday to this sweet thing I "birthed" in August 2023 called The Akashic Soul Clinic. πŸŽ‰

​The Akashic Soul Clinic was a dream that came to me while I was still working as a nurse in the hospital. My Spirit Guides showed me a special experience that would allow me to help people easily and effortlessly, and it's a TRUE heart offering. In August 2023, I finally followed their guidance and opened up the Akashic Soul Clinic virtually.

Today…the Akashic Soul Clinic is ONE YEARS old! 🌟

You might be wondering what this is and why it's important?!?

The Akashic Soul Clinic is the most successful membership and 'baby' I've ever created, next to Become an Akashic Records Guide. It's a way to serve my clients and community from a heart-centered place of service with the Record Keepers.

Every month, members of the Akashic Soul Clinic submit two questions and a bonus question. I personally answer these questions through the Akashic Records and deliver an audio recording to each person.

Some answers are less than 5 minutes long, and others take almost 15 minutes, depending on the depth and scope of the question.

On the 15th of every month, I show up for a live bonus reading where I answer ALL the submitted bonus questions.

I've quietly grown the Akashic Soul Clinic from 5 members to over 30! My goal is to have 50 members before I bring in another Reader to help me run the Akashic Soul Clinic.

This true heart's offering is so special because it allows its members to:

  • receive a mini-personalized-Akashic Records Reading every month
  • receive the monthly Akashic Channeled forecast (August is ready and packed with so many good astrological/astronomical tidbits)
  • have access to me through the bonus monthly questions
  • pay a very low monthly price of $47/month

Consistency has always been challenging for me, so celebrating the first anniversary/birthday of The Akashic Soul Clinic is a BIG DEAL because I'm shifting karmic contracts around service.

I'm delivering a ton of value through the Akashic Soul Clinic. This will be the last month that I will offer it at its low cost price of $47/month.

This price will increase to $57/month in September. However, if you're a member of the Akashic Soul Clinic now or join in August, you will be grandmothered in FOR LIFE and never have to pay more than $47/month. You can join here at this special price for life!​

Some of our members of the Akashic Soul Clinic had this to say:

So, help me wish this lil baby a Happy One-Year Birthday! πŸŽ‚ I can't wait to see this beautiful little jewel continue to grow and help more people!

​Sign up here for the Akashic Soul Clinic's Birthday month offer and help me high-five this baby to its toddler years!!! Let's go, sweet lil thing! I so love you and serving the beautiful peeps inside you! πŸ’–

Bless up,​
Anne Marie
Founder, Akashic Soul Clinic

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