πŸ’«How to Navigate the Lunar Eclipse: The Power of Self-Reflection✨

being blog by anne marie pizarro mindset spiritual knowledge spirituality Mar 12, 2025

Happy Lunar Eclipse week! πŸŒ•βœ¨ It's getting spicy out there! Can you feel it? πŸ”₯

Here are some of the messages I've been hearing from others and coming out of the sessions:

  • I'm exhausted this week 😩
  • I'm feeling the pressure this week πŸ˜“
  • There's a lot of energy I'm processing ⚑
  • Ugh…I need a break from life 😴

Well, friend, let me tell you…things that call for self-reflection will come bubbling up to the surface this week. πŸŒ€

Self-reflection is such an important gift because it allows you to pause and consider how you're being and what you're doing. πŸ™

If you're just going through the motions, you'll feel like you've glazed over something important but not quite sure what it is. πŸ€”

If you're living life in resistance, you'll feel like things keep coming up that require you to put fires out. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

If you're going through this week in flow, you'll feel like hiccups happen, but you can overcome them because you're on the journey. 🌊

So what do you do when the deep, dark, icky stuff comes bubbling up to the surface? πŸŒ‘

Here are three gentle, supportive guidance to help you maneuver the tricky season of the eclipse: 

  1. You're gentle, loving, forgiving, and advocating for yourself πŸ’–
  2. You reinforce your progress and the steps you've taken πŸ†
  3. You readjust the voice in your head constantly telling you where you're not enough of ____ and flip the script so that the dialogue is positive, self-affirming, and loving πŸ’¬πŸ’•

When thoughts, emotions, feelings, and memories bubble up to the surface, it invites you to let go and trust. πŸ™Œ It's about letting yourself have the gift of neutrality and self-love. πŸ’• It's about being enough with yourself. ✨

Earlier this week, I felt a deep level of exhaustion because Jon and I had spent three days in a row doing SXSW, which required a lot of walking. 🚢‍β™€οΈπŸšΆ‍♂️ And... we're still not done. There are five more days to go. πŸ—“οΈ

I've found myself thinking:

  • Hot dang, you don't have the same stamina or energy that you did in your 20s. πŸ˜…
  • Oh, man…I just want to go home and be in the comforts of my bed πŸ›οΈ.
  • Ugh… we've gotta milk this SXSW badge because we received it as a gift 🎟️.

None of those thoughts helped me. ❌

Instead, what helped was giving myself the gift of rest when I needed it πŸ’€ and letting go of self-judgment that I needed to keep up with my 20-year-old self. (Here's a little disclaimer: My 20-year-old self could have never afforded a SXSW ticket, let alone have 5-7 glorious days of play and freedom! πŸ€‘)

So, this week of the lunar eclipse, be extra kind and gentle with yourself. πŸ’•πŸŒ™

Allow yourself to relax and go with the flow of life 🌊.

The results can be astounding. ✨

  • You may feel more at ease 😌
  • You can let go of what doesn't have to or needs to happen πŸšͺ
  • You can tell yourself that you're NOT missing anything because FOMO isn't touching your inner sense of peace ✌️
  • You can welcome the Eclipse energy and BE with it rather than succumb to the pressure of being overwhelmed and overextended 🌘

So there you have it, friend. πŸ’«

When things come bubbling up to the surface, let it. When feelings come up to be felt, feel it. When self-judgment rolls around, change that dialogue and be more loving to yourself. πŸ’–

After all…you profoundly deserve it. πŸ’―

This is a great week to check and see if you're feeling overwhelmed from experiencing psychic attacks. πŸŒ€ I know I felt them. If you're not sure if you're experiencing a psychic attack, download this FREE guide to show you the 5 Signs that You're Experiencing a Psychic Attack. Download it here. πŸ“₯✨

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