Before you ask, give thanks!
Oct 02, 2010
I recently heard a great message in an audiobook program about the power of prayer. It is not uncommon for people to ask for things they want or need in life. I do the same myself. Then I wait…and wonder…and then finally ask…where is it?
If you’ve seen The Secret or read any self-empowering books, then you know that one of the key ingredients for the appearance of good fortune and blessings is gratitude. Sure, it’s an easy enough conversational piece to throw around and say ‘Thank You’ automatically. We have even abbreviated the gratitude to ‘Thanks’ as we rush about our busy world. Very rarely do we take the time to be mindful in our gratitude for every little thing. And I mean every little thing!
From the food you eat, to the friends you love, to the family that ‘drives you crazy’, to the blessings of your health – these are just a few listings of the possible things we could be thankful for. So why do we need more?
Let’s face it. We live in a materialistic, throwaway culture. If we can be that way about our materials and environment – are we that way with ourselves? It seems so from my observation of studying people as a nurse for over 12 years. So what needs to shift within someone for real change to come? And how do you tell someone who may be hopeless, dejected, and debilitated that their attitude may be contributing to their reality? And what if someone doesn’t believe it. What do you do?
I say NOTHING! You can not shift people who are not emotionally, psychologically, or spiritually ready. All you can do is give thanks for the blessings that you DO HAVE and live a life of exemption and example. And when these same people wonder – why are you so blessed and I have little – perhaps they will be ready to ask you what your secret is. What you can do is share your practices, affirmations, methods, and victories – always pointing back to the Source of All that has blessed you. And in redirecting this focus back to Great Spirit, you too will be rewarded with success and positive outcomes.
The difference you make by giving thanks prior to asking for your blessings is one of a conscious attention to be reunited with The Great Spirit in order to tap in to the Universal Life Force and be filled to overflowing with Divine Grace. And upon asking, you will have already known what that feels to receive the bounty of being blessed. For it to manifest requires you to hold space within yourself to receive that which you ask for. No one else can do this for you. And it would not be fair to ask someone else to do this job for you. This is part of your soul’s path in learning how to be, receive, and allow. I wish you the best of luck and celebrate all that you are, all that you have, and all that you are meant to be!
Stay Blessed!
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