πŸ’Œ You Can Try… But You Can’t Escape This Work! πŸ˜‰

being blog by anne marie pizarro Feb 26, 2025

I have to share an insider secret my coach keeps whispering in my ear…

πŸ‘‰ “This can be easy.”

Now, while EASY may apply to business, finances, marketing, and life choices, it also applies to LOVE. πŸ’•

πŸ’₯ In my teens → I thought love looked like my parents’ relationship… so my love language was fighting.​
πŸ’” In my twenties → I thought love was something I had to chase… so my love language was not enough.​
⚑ In my thirties → I thought love had to be a struggle… so my love language was hard work & proving myself.​
πŸ’« In my forties → I realized love COULD be easy… so I started trusting WHO Spirit sent me.​
🌸 In my fifties → My love language evolved and became ease, receiving, and flow.

And let me tell you—I feel lighter around love now than I EVER have before. πŸ˜ŒπŸ’–

Why? Because I stopped trying to ESCAPE the work and instead matched the frequency of the love I desired.

πŸ’­ I wanted to be adored, nourished, and cherished.
πŸ’­ I wanted to be spoiled in love, and for it to be effortless and magical.​
πŸ’­ And guess what? I manifested my Beloved,Partner, King and Husband, Jon, in my forties and we celebrated our 10 year anniversary in a wedding. πŸŽ‰

✨ Instead of resisting the work, I EMBRACED it. βœ¨

And now, I get to BE in love—with myself, my relationships, my life. And so can YOU.

πŸ’‘ Here’s the truth, friend:You can’t escape this work. THIS is your assignment.

So when you lean into love and lean into what is possible, you can create a whole new relationship with BEING in love.

I don’t ever want to grow so old or jaded that I stop BEING in love

BEING in love isn’t something that you buy, do or sign up for. BEING in love is a state, a way and a perspective that allows you to walk the highest path of self-service.

BEING in love is the work. It’s non-negotiable because when you’re not BEING in love - you’re in struggle, doubt, anxiety and fear.

So the real question is… How do you want to BE in love with yourself this week? πŸ€”πŸ’–

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