🌱 Embrace Personal Transformation in 2024: Your Journey to the Best You!

blog by anne marie pizarro mindset new year resolutions Jan 01, 2024

Happy New Year, friend! I hope you're having a glorious start to the new year!

The energy and vibrations of 2024 are already starting in such a positive way. I'll 100% take Mercury and Jupiter going direct any day, and the influence of these two planets is deeply personal.

I must admit, there were some wonky moments in 2023, but that's all part of the life package.

2024 will be a more evolved, expanded, and courageous year of breakthroughs and magical experiences.

There are opportunities to create more space, ease, flow, and clarity by being in touch with the big picture, your mindset, and your habits.

Experiences exist to create more conscientious connections, relationships, and friendships.

Moments will allow for growth, fun, play, and balance.

These are some of my intentions for 2024, and I'm holding these intentions for you as well.

Before 2024 started, I intentionally spent time decompressing, camping, and reviewing my year.

My mind was filled with the visual rewind, amazed at what I had created and accomplished and what I was still birthing forward.

I realized in 2023 that I could have been kinder to myself, spoken with greater compassion, and allowed myself to go through the funk instead of berating myself for not always being highly productive.

I realized that I experienced profound loss and that pain would take time to heal.

I realized I had forgotten my WHY and needed to redirect my focus and internal compass.

I realized that I was suffering a mental breakdown and mid-life crisis but was masking it through travel and the need for constant stimulation.

I realized my schedule was unsustainable and could pivot and choose a different path.

I realized that I could accomplish big things and step more fearlessly into asking and aligning toward it.

2023 brought some tough lessons and heartache but also gave me healing, empowerment, confidence, new relationships, and renewed energy.

This past year helped me launch new ideas and offers that have greatly impacted how I work with clients.

Wrapping 2023 up has been an intentional act of gratitude, releasing, and clarifying.

Time is precious, and I want to ensure that 2024 is even more amazing and swoon-worthy.

So, how do you step into the BEST version of yourself this year?

Here are five simple steps to help you align, allow, and flow into your best self:

#1. Have clarity on the direction you're going

Give yourself the gift of the big picture. Seeing what you're working towards gives you peace, purpose, and receptivity to being guided by The Universe. Clarity helps you maximize time, decisions, and feelings. For 2024, I created a 12-month' Battle Board' that allows me to see the big picture of my work, focus, and offers. I was intimidated by the concept, and it took me hours to get through the board, but holy heck….I feel like I have a plan for the year ahead!

#2. Put yourself FIRST

In my yearly planning, health, mindset, and wellness were top of mind. When you put yourself first, you can address your needs, emotions, and energy before you support and give to others. Putting yourself first may mean giving yourself time to meditate, making healthier dietary choices, embracing movement, and feeling good. Too often, we bypass the importance of feeling good, but if this isn't your baseline, you're not operating at your best version. Be unapologetic in making your health a priority.

#3. Be willing to push past discomfort to take action

Part of a growth mindset is a willingness to see where you're not playing at your best and permit yourself to improve. We can all improve in areas of our lives, and staying stagnant and comfortable won't help you step into joy and wholeness. Sometimes, to up-level, you've got to be willing to take action, push past your comfort zone, and test your resilience. Only then do you find your capacity for growth and ongoing momentum.

#4. Embrace learning and keep growing

Education and learning are key focuses that I've written down in my 12-month Battle Board and planner. I love to learn and discover new things. By embracing learning, I'm pushing past discomfort, choosing to be intentional about what I focus on, and improving how I see and interact with the world. Expanding your mind is a great way to embrace your best version because you're intentionally aligning with your future self, who makes magic happen along the way.

#5. Embrace connections and community

2024 is a great year to come out of your shell and make new friends, connections, and community!

I feel it in my blood as I develop my hybrid coaching community this year. I am truly excited to know more about others, how they see the world, and how I can support them. Social interactions are important for our self-care and health. You may learn new things about yourself by embracing and allowing new people to come in. And remember the beautiful gift of light you give in being a friend to someone else.

So Happy New Year, friend! I hope you make the most of this year and permit yourself to experience joy, success, happiness, love, and support!

New Year is the best for do-overs, resets, and fresh starts.

This month is the BEST time of the year to embark on an Akashic Vision Quest to get the big picture of what's coming up and what energies need to be cleared to help you stay on track.

I have 22 open spots for Akashic Vision Quests in January and February! Sign up for your session today.

However you choose to embark upon this season, know that you have power in how you feel, what you create and what you allow into your life.

Don't be afraid to live full out! Life is precious. Time is precious. Make the most of it and smile often. The world needs you more than you realize!

I have limited spots available for Akashic Vision Quests in January and February, so don't miss out - sign up today!

No matter how you choose to approach this season, know that you hold the power to shape your experience.

🌈 Embrace life fully, for it is precious. Time is fleeting. Smile often, and remember, the world needs your light more than you realize.

Wishing you a year filled with joy, success, happiness, love, and unwavering support. Let's make 2024 truly remarkable together!

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