How to Release Shame and Step into Spiritual Pride

by anne marie pizarro patterns of behavior Sep 22, 2011

Energy Connection Tip of the Day:  In order to release shame, you must accept that your word and worth mean something.  In stepping into your value, you enable spiritual pride in your authentic self.

Shame occurs when we are judged for what we say or have to suppress what we want to share.

In a world that celebrates the norm, speaking out can get you in trouble.  However, not vocalizing your thoughts, opinions and emotions can cause all kinds of dis-ease and dis-comfort.

Releasing shame and integrating spiritual pride is part of become an enlightened and aware being.

Shame comes from being unsure of yourself and having your boundaries and self-worth constantly tested.

In my experience of working with clients, shame is expressed through low self-esteem, low self-confidence and feelings of being ignored.

Suppressing shame can limit a person from knowing what they want in life and hold them back from expressing their needs effectively, thus propagating the role of a victim.

What are 3 ways to Release Shame and Step into Spiritual Pride?

1.  Validate yourself and your worth  

You mean something, and your words and feelings are important.  If you don’t validate yourself, who will?  Align yourself to the highest vision your hold of your Divine Nature and step into your power now!

2.  Share how you feel without attachments to results

If someone hurt you, write them a letter and let them know.  If your family created dysfunction in your life, write them a letter or tell them and release yourself from carrying the responsibility of having to carry other’s emotions.  You must return to peace within yourself.

3.  Strengthen your boundaries

Learn to express your desires and needs and to stand firmly in who you are.  When you sense that others want something that is negative from you or try to suppress you in being yourself, let them know what your boundaries and expectations are.  If they do not respect it, then walk away because you do not have to own it.  It is NOT YOURS!

Much Love & Blessings!


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