Karma, Love and the Wood Dragon Year - How do they all play together?
Feb 08, 2024
How do Love, Karma, and the Chinese New Year work together for your benefit this year?
According to the Chinese zodiac, Chinese New Year in 2024 marks the beginning of the Wood Dragon year. This officially kicks off on Saturday, February 10, 2024.
The Wood Dragon combines the characteristics of the Dragon, known for its strength, courage, and leadership qualities, with the attributes associated with the Wood element, such as growth, vitality, and flexibility. This combination suggests a year characterized by dynamic energy, creativity, and a sense of renewal.
In the realm of love and partnership, the Wood Dragon year may bring opportunities for growth and transformation. Couples may find themselves inspired to strengthen their bonds, pursue shared goals, and embark on new adventures together. The Wood Dragon's influence encourages adaptability and resilience in relationships, fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual support.
But what do you do if you have love karma to deal with in this lifetime?
How does this affect you and the Wood Dragon's energy?
Love karma in the Akashic Records refers to the energetic imprints and influences from past actions, intentions, and relationships that shape your experiences in love and partnership.
When considering the interplay between love karma and the Wood Dragon year, we can view it as an opportunity for transformation and growth. The Wood Dragon's energy signifies renewal, vitality, and adaptability, offering a supportive environment for addressing and transforming love karma.
Transforming love karma is one of the major reasons we come back - to experience love, heal wounds, and elevate our experiences with others.
Love karma is a powerful agreement between you and other souls around the language of love.
We experience this love karma through our family, relationships, friendships, and peers.
Some of this karma can be positive, negative, and mixed.
Positive love karma allows us to gain compassion and understanding and contribute positively to other people's lives.
Negative love karma causes us to feel drained, hurt, wounded, and challenged in how we receive, respond, and experience love.
Mixed love karma causes us to hang in between the space of past and present lessons because it may involve a combination of both favorable and unfavorable consequences based on past actions, intentions, and choices made in the realm of love. Sometimes, it can cause a soul to feel frozen in place.
Because we're in February and Valentine's Day season, I wanted to discuss three ways to evolve past our love karma.
#1. Take personal accountability for how you experience and think of love
How you choose to experience love will determine how much you can receive this love. If you start your day by setting your personal love meter high based on how you think of yourself, feel about yourself, or the positive, kind actions you do unto yourself - you expand your capacity to receive love. By raising your bar to see yourself as loving, lovable, and worthy of love - you magnetize it to you faster. By taking accountability to speak more positively about love and why you deserve it, you elevate your ability to feel, respond to, and give back the loving energy without feeling depleted.
#2. Let go of the past and bring yourself fully into the present to receive
The past needs to stay in the past so you can fully experience the magic of the present. You experienced love lessons for a reason: to open your arms to receive Source's unconditional bounty of love and grace. When you speak in the present terms of what you believe you can have, you are aligning to receiving love that blesses you instead of challenges you. When you speak from a place of hope, willingness to receive, and gratitude, love can heal, support, and bring you joy.
#3. Permit yourself to allow love to find you
Many people lose hope when it takes a long time for love to find them. The Record Keepers talk about timing as having a huge influence on relationships. Instead of feeling like there's something wrong with you or that you're not worthy of love, give yourself permission to shift and allow love to find. Love can find you when you feel happy, in the flow of life, and in your essence of joy, beauty, and power. When you move through life as if nothing is missing, love can meet you halfway and bring you greater wholeness and play.
We all experience karmic love lessons because this is how we recognize and see our Divine nature in others.
Love is Sprit's energetic currency, and we are here to receive it in all forms and levels.
Love doesn't have to hurt, control, manipulate, or disarm you.
If anything, love can fill you to fullness, show you the beauty of life, and make you feel complete.
So, how do you shift your love karma?
Here are three services that I can offer you to help you clear love karma.
#1. If you're single and ready to mingle, but your love karma has made you feel like you're in the desert, consider changing your love karma story with a group MYSTIC clearing.
A group MYSTIC Akashic Clearing helps you take those old stories and clear them through three group settings in which you're transforming your old love stories and creating new karmic stories that will attract your Beloved to you in no time.
The Group MYSTIC Akashic Clearing helps you clear your love karma to receive what you desire.
The MYSTIC Akashic Group Clearing is a 3-session group clearing that is scheduled for February, March, and April. The cost of this is $333. The first Group Mystic Clearing will occur on Saturday, February 24, 2024. Sign up here to save your spot.
#2. If you're a couple who has experienced major love karma challenges, consider a Couple's Akashic Vision Quest.
A Couple's Akashic Vision will take you both into an Akashic Vision Quest with your shamanic guides and relationship council. This experience will reveal your shared karmic ties, how you become an elevated couple, what stands in the way, and how to get there.
The Couple's Akashic Vision also includes a Shamanic Vision Quest with your Relationship Council PLUS TWO Akashic MYSTIC Clearings you can experience together as a couple and an opportunity to create new quantum stories for your relationship.
You'll also receive a special Light Language Grid for your relationship, which will help you both stay on track, meet your biggest goals, and increase the love vibes in your relationship.
This is a very limited offer, with only ten spots available for couples. This session can be done any time throughout the year and can help strengthen your relationship to function at the highest and best capacity for both of you. The cost of this session is $1500. Sign up here to save your spot. Interested in a payment plan? Click here to get started with your payment plan. Only ten are available for couples.
#3. Have love karma questions but can only deal with one thing at a time? Join the Akashic Soul Clinic and submit your love karma question each month.
Receive a personalized mini-reading from your Akashic Record Guides and Record Keepers to help clear love karma and open your pathway to receiving.
This monthly subscription is a great way to get your burning questions answered and receive timely support each month.
When you join the Akashic Soul Clinic, you will receive the monthly forecast, opportunities to submit two questions per month and access to the live bonus question call that's only for Soul Clinic Members.
To get started with the Akashic Soul Clinic, sign up here. It's only $47/month, and you can cancel anytime.
Clearing your love karma is one of the most important tasks you can take on while on Earth.
When you clear your love karma, you can experience more joy, happiness, fulfillment, contentment, and ease in your relationships.
So what are you waiting for?
If you're feeling stuck in matters of love, check out any of our three invitations above, and let's get you cleared up so you can receive Source's greatest gift for you!
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