Only when you believe can you conceive

by anne marie pizarro holistic healing Aug 29, 2011

Energy Connection Tip of the Day: Only when you believe can you conceive.

Is it really this easy?  Does believing really have that big of an impact?!?  If so, then why do people doubt themselves, their plans, their decisions or relationships so much?

Coming from a Gemini mind, this is a perplexingly deep and rabbit-hole kinda question.  At the heart of it though, the degree of faith that you have (the size of a mustard seed) exerts monumental energy into what you believe in.

Would the world be a different and better place if people inherently believed inside that they were good, loved, and worthwhile?  I think so. No, I believe so.

We are conditioned through our families, media, friends, and experiences that somehow we fall short.  Some times we are blessed with wonderful friends and mentors that see beyond the veil and recognize the Divine Light that we emit and radiate.  I do my best to see that come out of me, my clients, my family, and friends.

So why do we doubt what we create?  Perhaps our Ego doesn’t believe. Or perhaps we don’t feel that what we are creating is in true alignment with our path.  Both answers can be right and be wrong.   Being discriminatory is important. And being in alignment with yourself is equally so.

How can you increase the power of your belief within yourself thus strengthening the energy of your creations?

  1. Look at yourself honestly and say, “No matter what, no matter who, and no matter why – I LOVE YOU!”
  2. Take a step back and look at your world.  You are truly blessed to be alive right now!
  3. Realize that you are the Master of your Creations and OWN IT! That means, you take full responsibility for how it is created, how it appears, how you add energy to it and how it is delivered into the world.  Taking ownership and responsibility increases your dependence within yourself.
  4. Trust and have faith that you are here at the right time and the right place.
  5. Have fun and stay in the positive light.  When you doubt and wonder whether your creation, project or relationship is doing ok – you attract that same vibration of doubt into it.  Focus instead on the outcome.  You’ll be glad you did!
So friend, I believe in you.  I believe in ME! I believe in our world resonating and culminating in an amazing, supportive, and loving vibration.  May you be abundantly blessed with fantastic energy!
One Love,

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