When the going gets tough…
Sep 20, 2010When the going gets tough….look inside for your answers. You’ve heard that phrase before. When the going gets tough….the tough gets going. Well where are you going? If you’re going outside of yourself for guidance on your questions, you may find a lot of answers that mislead you from your truth.
No one can know or understand your truth like you do. You live it. Breathe it. Are it! And when you are going against your truth and your conscience, every part of your body, mind, and spirit feels it. Yet, you seek advice from your friends, get psychic readings, throw the runes, ask and keep asking. What kind of answer would make you happy?
If the kind of answer you seek is a delusional attempt to support your false livity – then you will still be seeking, lacking the understanding of knowing when to stop and go within. If the kind of answer you seek is a temporary bandaid for what you don’t want to see, then the problem still exists until you face it. If the kind of answer you seek is fluff for your ego, then you will not understand why you’re still in pain. If the kind of answer you seek is precluded with silence and stillness, then perhaps this is what you are looking for.
We live in a world of busyness, activity, and overstimulation. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements, promotions, and subliminal messages telling us we’re not enough. So connected are we to our technology that sometimes, we forget what that still, quiet voice sounds like. In those moments of revering the stillness and connecting to The Creator, we return to The Source of All our answers and The Generator of All our questions.
It is in these moments of time and space that we are allowed entrance back home. It is never far nor is the door shut so tightly that we cannot gain entrance. We hold that key within ourselves. So when the going gets tough – get going and go within. The answers are waiting for you.
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